It Takes Guts to be Beautiful! 7 Transformation Steps to Ageless Health & Beauty Paperback Book
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Are you ready to look 20 years younger and feel more alive than you have in decades? How would you like to release your aging appearance and effects of stress? Would you like to learn how to permanently eliminate cravings for beauty-bustering-foods?
Isn't it time to put foods that deplete energy, crush mood and increase unhealthy fat and inflammation behind you? How about trading bloat and burnout for passion, pleasure, and purpose?
Modern Day Fountain of Youth
Julia Loggins has discovered the Fountain of Youth! You can as well with daily routines to evoke boundless energy, joy, self-love, and creativity. If these are distant memories from your youth, curl up with my new book It Takes Guts to be Beautiful for an inspirational journey Back to the Future.
Thousands of women to turn back the clock and reclaim their joi di vivre. Based on proven techniques, this 7-step program will show you how to create beauty and renewable energy from inside out.
Take Your Energy Back &
Build Lasting Natural Beauty
Purge everything you know about beauty and aging. Rethink the possibilities. Recreating your body and self-image is the bridge to your unimaginable life, and it's waiting for you right now.

“God Bless Julia Loggins! Not only is she one of the most loving human beings that you’ll ever meet, but she’s also brilliant, talented and understands how to help people. Your health is your most prized possession, and Julia shows you what you need to do in order to recover it.”
—Dr. Michael Galitzer, MD, Director, American Health Institute, Nationally Recognized Longevity Expert

“Follow the leader! Julia is the embodiment of caring. She has the enlightenment, wisdom and experience to teach you how to have inner and outer beauty!”
—Dr. Julia T. Hunter MD, Wholistic Dermatologist and International Authority on Skin Renewal

“This is so Julia! Who better understands the internal struggle between one’s authenticity and one’s outward presentation? She’s been working on that all her life. Her struggle is exactly what brings credibility to the book. If you can relate to her struggle, if you still feel like a stranger in a strange land—you just might find your own keys out of hell here. As a songwriter all my life, I learned early on that if I could tell my story as vulnerably and honestly as possible, people would see their own story in that song. This is Julia’s song. Feel free to dance.”
—Kenny Loggins, Singer and Songwriter

Julia Loggins, Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, has led a private practice in Santa Barbara, CA for 40 years, with a specialty in detoxication. She received her Health Educator’s Certification from Hippocrates Health Institute in 1983 and trained with Dr. Ann Wigmore and Dr. Brian Clement in facilitating the reversal of chronic and acute illness. She holds a certification from the Whole Body Fertility Institute in mind-body reproductive health.
"Don’t let anyone tell you your symptoms are untreatable! Along with me, thousands of my clients have de ed the odds—and so can you!” Julia Loggins