THIS WEEK'S BLOG-Time to Spring Clean Your Gut?


Spring Brings New Beginnings
Try Spring Gift Codes to Launch the New You!

Mastering Menopause Makeover by Julia LogginsHappy-Gut Makeover

Buy One Get One Free Makeovers
at Cleansing for Energy

Expires March 31, 2020: CODE: BOGFCleanse

* You must add the product to your shopping cart and enter the promo code to get this deal!

Buy $250 at Cleansing for Energy
Get a free $75 Happy Gut Consultation

Expires March 31, 2020: CODE: 75HGC 

* You must add the product to your shopping cart and enter the promo code to get this deal!

Buy $100 at Cleansing for Energy
Get It Takes Guts to Be Happy audiobook free

Expires March 31, 2020: CODE: 100-ITGH

* You must add the product to your shopping cart and enter the promo code to get this deal!

Buy $50 Cleansing for Energy
Get Change Your Story by Deborah S. Nelson

No code necessary.

* You must add this product to the shopping cart and spend a minimum of $50 to get this deal!

Happy Spring from

Julia Loggins, Author
Digestive Health Consultant,
Santa Barbara, California