It Takes Guts To Be Happy!
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A 21 Day Cleansing Plan To Heal Your Belly & Recharge Your Life
Did You Know Gut Health is Key to Your Happiness? Toxicity and stress steal our joy. Pain and disease drain our creativity. Ninety percent of the biochemistry that activates happiness is manufactured in your gut. It is time to take charge of your gut health to access the joy, energy, and optimism that you have been missing! We come into contact with literally hundreds of chemicals a day.
Our bodies were not designed to assimilate or eliminate these toxins, and that is costing our health and happiness. Yet, it is possible to thrive in our modern world! Julia Loggins will teach you how to fight back by cleansing, detoxifying, and regenerate your body and brain.
The tools that she developed to save her own life and revitalized clients' lives, will energize you and turn back the clock. "It Takes Guts to Be Happy!" is a perfect companion guide for anyone facing a catastrophic disease, an autoimmune assault, or cancer, as well as chronic and debilitating illnesses like colitis, asthma, and blood sugar issues.
This program has been used successfully after chemotherapy, post-surgery, and for those in recovery to clear brain fog, depression, and fatigue. Included are twelve powerful and poignant first-person stories by men and women who used this program to go from "In Bed and Nearly Dead," to "Alive and on Fire." Are You Ready to Bring Joy Back into Your Life?
This formula is gentle. When taken regularly, the Happy Gut Cleanse as well as the Energy Enzymes have created a sense of calm in my digestion. These are essential to the process of getting back to balance in the gut. There is great value in Julia’s book, It Takes Guts to be Happy. So many resources are included to help on your way back to optimal health. There is research to back up the beneficial methods described. What a gift to have Julia here in our community. Thank you!